Q1 - Are 6th graders allowed to tryout for teams?
A1 - Yes. We believe that everyone should be allowed to experience the tryout process and that all students should have the chance to make a team.
Q2 - Can my son/daughter join cross country if they do not make the soccer team or field hockey team?
A2 - Yes. Cross Country will accept members up until the day after soccer and field hockey have their first official “practice”.
Q3 - My daughter wants to tryout for Field Hockey. Do I have to go out and invest the money in specialized equipment prior to tryouts?
A3 - No. The only items your daughter will need are cleats or sneakers, shin guards and a mouth piece. We have field hockey sticks and eye protection that can be borrowed for tryouts. If your daughter makes the team then they should have cleats and a stick. Eye protection is provided although many parents prefer to provide their own.
Q4 - Do we (the parents) bring our kids to away games?
A4 - No. Region 14 provides bus transportation to away games and then again back to WMS.
Q5 - Do we buy uniforms for our kids?
Q5 - No. Uniform tops are provided for all team members. However, soccer players may need to provide their own shorts and socks. Baseball and softball players may need to provide their own pants/shorts.
Q6 - Are the coaches certified?
Q6 - Yes. All of our coaches hold a State of Connecticut Coaches Certificate. Our coaches are also CPR and First Aid Certified, trained in concussion management and trained in sudden cardiac arrest management.
Q7 - Can I pick my son/daughter up from an away contest?
Q7 - Although we encourage everyone to ride the bus home from an away contest, we also understand the time constraints that families face (especially in a regional district). Therefore, if you are going to pick up your child at an away contest the following protocol must be followed:
1. Meet face to face with the coach
2. Fill out the sign out sheet that the coach has provided
3. If your child is going home with someone other than their legal guardian a note stating with whom they are traveling with and expressing permission from the legal guardian must be handed to the coach along with steps 1 & 2 above. Note (photo ID may be requested by the coach if they are not familiar with the person providing transportation)
Q8 - What time do practices end?
A8 - In the beginning of the season, tryouts and practices may go as late as 4:30pm. However, once we get into our game schedule, practices will end at 4pm. (A detailed schedule will be provided by the coach.)
Q9 - When and where do I pick up my child after practices and games?
A9 - We ask that all student athletes get picked up in front of the school within 15 minutes of the end of practice or arrival back to WMS. A coach will be supervising the pick up area in the front of the building. On the way back from an away contest, the coach on the bus will notify students when they are 15 minutes away from WMS so they can call or text for a ride.
Q10 - What is the commitment like for school teams?
A10 - Athletics is a serious commitment. Practices are held every day that there isn’t a game. Games/meets are sometimes held at other schools and sometimes we do not get back until 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm and even later during basketball season. Cross Country has 2-3 Saturday meets as well. Student athletes are asked to make the school team their number 1 sports priority. Travel, AAU, and other similar out of school teams should not be the reason for missing practice time or games for WMS teams. Missing practices or games will result in the loss of playing time and possibly team membership. It is important to talk about this with your children so that if there is a decision that needs to be made, it is done prior to tryouts.